I am Shalini Deekonda, a senior research fellow in the Department of Sociology, at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. I am a dedicated researcher in the fields of Indian agri-food systems, sustainable consumption, and food waste management. I am interested in exploring and comprehending complex elements that influence human knowledge and behaviour towards food production and consumption in India.
Current Research:
Currently, my research focuses on Telangana’s post-harvest vegetable supply chain and the factors that influence the generation of vegetable wastage, from a sociological perspective. By using Social Network theory and Social Practice Theory, I am trying to understand how the structure of relationships, power dynamics and cultural sanctions influences stakeholders’ behaviour, group dynamics, and broader societal patterns in the vegetable supply chain that contribute to waste generation.
Areas of Study:
Sociology of Food and Waste, Sustainable Consumption, Food Justice, Agri Food Systems, India